
I am closing my journal. No big reason. I may restructure at a later point, but for now...I will see you at my blog http://whataboutpie.blogspot.com/

Have a wonderful day!!!


totally scored at the thrift store today...found a vintage Pyrex casserole dish for $2.99
been eating a ton of fresh fruits and vegetables...feel better already. eliminated meat and dairy and about 90% of my normal bread consumption.


I made lentil soup for the first time yesterday. Dang it was good! I was surprised. Changing the subject, our crazy January weather surprised us yet again....49 degrees yesterday, but now down into the 20's this morning with a dusting of snow. This is the weirdest winter I ever remember.


Two of my sisters are coming to visit this weekend! Yay!! It will be so good to visit with them and drink a lot of coffee and cook a lot of good food!!


Well, the Christmas stuff is all put away. I didn't feel sad at all. There's no snow to speak of and so it never really felt like Christmas to begin with. The holidays felt out of place this time around.


Oh, it's Monday morning. I want to take a nap already! Steelers lost last night, so no Super Bowl for them.