
Well, our warm weather here in SW Pennsylvania is never ending it seems! Vegetation continues to grow on the hillside in the woods, and I just cannot believe it. The earth is a little confused in these parts. Yesterday was 60 degrees and today is very close to that as well.

I've been making various paper ornaments for the tree and the house for Christmas. I am having too much fun with it! I need to quit and get back to my housework!!

I've been thinking about doing some handmade Christmas cards this year...wonder if I should. I want to do a Scandinavian look...my husbands side of the family has roots there...so I guess it would be appropriate! It would be fun, but a dedication!



Well, I am actually getting a little excited that the holidays are upon us...only for the reason that I get to spend time with family I haven't seen in a while...oh and the food! I wouldn't even mind if it snowed. However, we are forecast for 54 degrees and sun on Thanksgiving. That's fine. We are planning on doing archery out in the field behind the house while dinner cooks. It will be my mom and dad, two of my sisters, my sister's boyfriend, my 2 boys and my hubby. It will be such a great day...well, that is what I pray for!



What a busy day...I think I'm ready for bed, but I feel like I want to watch the weather on the 11 o'clock news.



I was pinned on Pinterest! Yay!

church dinner

Harvest dinner and pastor appreciation tonight at church...I'm baking my triple layer applesauce cake. The recipe is on my blog.


eggnog latte

Today I made an eggnog latte. Well, it's as close to a latte as I can get. It's all the right ingredients, but I don't have an espresso machine and a steaming wand to heat and froth up the milk! Anyhow, it was really tasty! I'll make another one tomorrow morning.



Just made myself my own version of a vanilla latte with a dash of cinnamon on top. Um, loved it!

cleaning the kitchen

I'm sleepy today. Must be because I scrubbed down my kitchen yesterday! Well, I still have some work to do in  there...the whole refrigerator is getting the "once over". My forearms are actually a little sore from washing down my cabinets and detailing around the edges of the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. Glad it's done, my kitchen is sparkling and ready for the holidays! Yay!


unseasonably warm

I cannot believe the warm weather we have been having....60 degrees every day for the last 4 days. On the hillside I can see fresh green growth appearing on the ground. Mother Nature is a little confused. The plants think it is Spring for it is wet, a little chilly and warm during the day. So crazy!


it looks like November

It really looks like November out there today! The trees are bare, dry leaves cover the ground, and it's freezing outside, about 32 degrees all day.  We've had occasional snow flurries here and there throughout the day.


easy day

Baked cookies today and got Chinese take-out for dinner.


quiet here

My house is absolutely silent and I am loving it. I need to make sure I don't get lazy today!! I have lots of laundry to put away and just a few dishes. I should probably mop my floor today....why do I always put it off like it is such a big deal?? LOL!!


time off for me

Once again, beautiful day...67 degrees today, sun and blue skies. Watching my nephew today, but after  today, I have 5 days off in a row. Yes!! I plan on doing some cleaning and organizing...getting ready for the holidays...planning my Thanksgiving meal, take some walks, take some naps...stuff like that!


hello Monday morning

Another gorgeous day! Blue skies, warm weather, but still getting a frost every morning. What will today bring?


mantle decor

Just got inspired to design and decorate our mantle above the fireplace for Thanksgiving this weekend. Enlisting my sons to help with some good ideas...hope we can do something awesome!


Our Leghorn hen was squawking like crazy...just went   out to see what was going on. She was down in  the window well to the basement window...thought she was stuck, but no, she flew out, and there I found 2 brown eggs from our Rhode Island Reds. The Leghorn lays white eggs, so I knew they weren't hers. I don't know if she was mad or she was trying to lay her own eggs there...but there was a Rhode Island Red watching her. I took the eggs  out of the window well....then the Rhode Island Red was sqwakin' and bawkin'.....who knows what goes through their minds!!! Too funny! Well, she eventually got bored and walked away....commotion is over. Had to throw away the eggs though...not sure how long they have been there!!! Don't worry, the eggs were not fertilized...we don't have any roosters...so it wasn't like the Red was protecting her babies or anything like that!


It's Friday...yes! I am ready for the weekend. My friend is stopping by for a visit today....girl talk and coffee. Today I need to stop by my son's school to pick up a hermit crab. His class has a bunch that they are studying and they can bring one home if a parent comes in to pick it up...they won't send the crabs home on the bus with the students...probably a good idea!


winding down

And so, the day is winding down...chicken for dinner. I baked chocolate sugar cookies for an after school snack today...so good! Finished up the laundry today but still have lots to fold!

bacon and eggs

My hubby made bacon and eggs for everyone before he went to work this morning. How nice was that! Now time for coffee and I am ready for the day.


laundry day

It got up to 50 degrees today. The sun was shining all day! It was so pretty! Mostly a laundry day...and eating Halloween candy...more specifically, Reese's cups...my favorite! Dinner is leftover pasta with meat sauce. Washing sheets today..so I better go check the dryer and see if they're ready to be put back on the beds!



Ahhh yes! It is November! I am done with Halloween. Although it was pleasant, I'm over it. Bring on pumpkin pie and turkey and pilgrims and such!!! I am ready for the fireplace to glow and some good reading and some good baking! Yes!